Welcome to Apex Kids activity page. On this page we will keep you updated with all the fun and educational activities which have taken place within the nursery as well as activities you can recreate at home to further support your child's engagement, learning and development.
Creative and Sensory Play
All children thrive in an environment which allows them to express themselves freely and safely. The activities provided for children take this into consideration. Throughout the month of March the children have taken part in a wide range of Art Sessions which has given them the opportunity to explore their mark making freely with a range of tools and materials.
Through supporting children to explore and express themselves independently through art they will develop the following:
Their confidence
Their curiosity
Fine and Gross motor skills
Their Creativity
Playdough Activity
Playdough is an excellent activity for children aged over 12 months and is cheap to make at home and provides lots of learning opportunities for children. Playdough can include science and math's as you teach older children the changes which occur when including them in making process. For young children they can strengthen hand muscles as they manipulate the dough, they can learn about texture, size and develop their creativity and imagination.
Try the below simple recipe at home, and be sure to supervise young children when they are using this varied resource.​
1 cup Flour
Vegetable Oil
Food colouring (optional)
Cream of Tartar (optional)
You can also try adding spices and herbs to allow your child to explore than sense of smell and promote their curiosity.